Redcliffe Musical Theatre welcomes new members and supporters of any age who share our passion for musical theatre. People contribute to RMT by acting, singing and dancing on stage, directing shows, providing the technical support for lighting and sound, creating magical costumes, building great sets that actually work, helping to move things backstage, helping with makeup, getting press and publicity, and even by helping with a website. RMT is a successful and rapidly developing company full of fantastic people. We invite you to join or renew your membership now to receive benefits for a full calendar year.
Being a “performing member” of RMT entitles you to the following:
Non-Performing Members:
Being a “performing member” of RMT entitles you to the following:
- ONE FREE TICKET – to a show during the 2024 Season (at the discretion of the RMT Management Committee)
- MEMBER pricing to ALL shows
- Advance notice of shows, auditions and ticketing special pricing via E-NEWS and the Member FB Group
- For specific shows we may run pre-audition workshops to assist with learning choreography or specific vocals – Members can access these workshops at no charge
- Members are covered by Public Liability insurance at THEATRE 102 and other rehearsal and performance venues
Non-Performing Members:
- All ages: $15
- Adults: $30
- Concession*: $25
- Family: $70
Payment Options
- Pay by direct deposit:
- BSB 633000
- A/C No 140190968 Redcliffe Musical Theatre
- Label individual deposits: (surname) (initials) 2024 mbr
- Label family deposits: (surname) family 2024 mbr
Pay by cash:- Email [email protected] to arrange a time and date to make payment.